The key purpose of SINL is to create innovative value providing an optimal digital solution in the entire process of logistics from production to consumption through digital transformation amid an accelerating shift towards smart logistics in the industry. SINL provides extensive multi-services including e-commerce fulfillment services, as well as high value 3PL logistics and terminal CFS logistics services by optimizing a customer's logistics operation process using a different smart logistics system with logistics experts, and is expanding and advancing the businesses thereby.
SINL's Incheon New Port Smart Logistics Center was built with a system-based logistics management environment to realize efficient warehouse management in order to increase customer satisfaction and strengthen the supply network management system on various distribution channels. In particular, we are proven to have a different competitiveness in nonferrous metal-specific 3PL logistics operation by initiatively providing a digital e-commerce fulfillment service across the board from receipt/release management, storage, distribution, processing, inspection and transport in cooperation with the nation's first nonferrous metal material platform, Further, we have obtained the nation's first smart logistics center certification from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on the logistics center in the background land of harbo by meeting the standard of high-tech logistics centers with a cutting-edge, automated logistics system and facility, and efficient and safe management system.
We plan to make new innovations and challenges continuously to provide innovative and smart logistics services to customers, and further grow into a digital 3PL-specialized company that provides e-commerce fulfillment services in connection with various e-commerce platforms in and out of the country.
SINL Co., Ltd.
Park Yeong-il
KRW20 billion
March 2020
866-7 Incheonsinhang-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon